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Terms and Conditions

American Digital Services upholds the following legal documents online for your reference. Hosting and development clients are required to adhere to all applicable terms unless otherwise agreed upon in a separate contract. Hosting clients, in particular, should be aware of the terms regarding late payments (we do not renew domains until associated invoices are paid, and accounts are at risk of suspension if not paid within 15 days of the invoice).

Compliance Standards

American Digital Services has chosen and implemented the following frameworks and compliance standards for all company and vendor-owned/managed information systems, technologies, and security:

Corporate Information

The following documents are available upon request by the account holder, at our discretion:

  • Tax ID reference
  • Company Articles


By familiarizing yourself with our Terms and Conditions, Compliance Standards, and Corporate Information, you can better understand our commitment to providing exceptional services while adhering to the highest industry standards and legal requirements.